Yes, the word of God states, "God is angry with the wicked every day" (Psalms 7:11). But we will be surprised to see that GOD'S ANGER, UNLIKE MAN'S ANGER, IS TENDER AND REDEMPTIVE. In other words, God's anger shows His care and compassion for us. For instance, we read,"And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses..."(Exodus 4 : 14). Naturally we expect God to be hard on Moses and punish him for his doubt, unbelief and disobedience. However, as we read the following verses till verse 17, we are greatly comforted and blessed to see that God's anger was virtually God's compassion and care for Moses; absolutely no hard words, but only words of tender care. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF GOD'S ANGER.
"In wrath remember mercy (Habakkuk 3 : 2) i.e., in God's anger God's mercy is revealed. For instance, God was very angry with David when he sinned with Bathsheba, and He gave him various punishments for his heinous sin. However, look at the covenant of mercy He made with David - "the sure mercies of David" it says (Isaiah 55 : 3).
When man gets angry, he often utters things or does things in haste. Unlike man, when God shows His wrath, it displays His "much long suffering" nature - "What if God, willing to shew His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much long suffering..." (Romans 9 : 22).
There is a ministry of rebuking and reproving (2 Timothy 4 : 2). Unlike what many people think, this does not mean shouting and yelling at others. As you grow in grace, you will learn to do this ministry with a Christ like gentle spirit.
Let us look at the anger of Jesus : "And when He had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts..." (Mark 3 : 5). It is crystal clear from that THE ANGER OF OUR LORD WAS THE EXPRESSION OF HIS GRIEF FOR THE HARNESS OF THE HEARTS OF THAT UNBELIEVING CROWD. Look at what He did immediately after getting angry - He performed an instantaneous healing. Yes, the Word of God is true - "The wrath of man worketh not the righteous of God." In other words, the wrath of God worketh the righteousness of God - as we have seen from the above texts.
Some try to quote Ephesians 4 : 26, "Be ye angry, and sin not" and say, "You can get angry, but avoid sinning, that's all." But let us look at the entire text : "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil" (Ephesians 4 : 26, 27). One saint comments thus on this text : "If you want to be angry, you had better be angry with only sin; because when you are angry, the Sun of righteousness, the Lord Jesus, will go down, bringing darkness into your life." Remember what the word of God says. Each time you give place for anger, you "give place to the devil."
Some people of God excuse themselves saying that their anger is righteous anger or divine anger, and continue to "explode." When the meekest man on earth (Moses) got angry, he lost his inheritance (Psalms 106 : 32, 33; Numbers 20 : 10-12). Is not this a severe warning to all those who get angry? When Jonah got angry the Lord asked a question; our Lord is still asking the same question to every one of us each time we get angry: "Doest thou well to be angry?" (Jonah 4 : 4).
Dear friend, will you please repent of all your excuses for your anger. Remember how much it hurt others, hurt God and hurt yourself. Cry from the depths of your heart so that you may be transformed into a gentle person. "Thy gentleness hath made me great" (Psalms 18 : 35).
Praise the Lord.
"In wrath remember mercy (Habakkuk 3 : 2) i.e., in God's anger God's mercy is revealed. For instance, God was very angry with David when he sinned with Bathsheba, and He gave him various punishments for his heinous sin. However, look at the covenant of mercy He made with David - "the sure mercies of David" it says (Isaiah 55 : 3).
When man gets angry, he often utters things or does things in haste. Unlike man, when God shows His wrath, it displays His "much long suffering" nature - "What if God, willing to shew His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much long suffering..." (Romans 9 : 22).
There is a ministry of rebuking and reproving (2 Timothy 4 : 2). Unlike what many people think, this does not mean shouting and yelling at others. As you grow in grace, you will learn to do this ministry with a Christ like gentle spirit.
Let us look at the anger of Jesus : "And when He had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts..." (Mark 3 : 5). It is crystal clear from that THE ANGER OF OUR LORD WAS THE EXPRESSION OF HIS GRIEF FOR THE HARNESS OF THE HEARTS OF THAT UNBELIEVING CROWD. Look at what He did immediately after getting angry - He performed an instantaneous healing. Yes, the Word of God is true - "The wrath of man worketh not the righteous of God." In other words, the wrath of God worketh the righteousness of God - as we have seen from the above texts.
Some try to quote Ephesians 4 : 26, "Be ye angry, and sin not" and say, "You can get angry, but avoid sinning, that's all." But let us look at the entire text : "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil" (Ephesians 4 : 26, 27). One saint comments thus on this text : "If you want to be angry, you had better be angry with only sin; because when you are angry, the Sun of righteousness, the Lord Jesus, will go down, bringing darkness into your life." Remember what the word of God says. Each time you give place for anger, you "give place to the devil."
Some people of God excuse themselves saying that their anger is righteous anger or divine anger, and continue to "explode." When the meekest man on earth (Moses) got angry, he lost his inheritance (Psalms 106 : 32, 33; Numbers 20 : 10-12). Is not this a severe warning to all those who get angry? When Jonah got angry the Lord asked a question; our Lord is still asking the same question to every one of us each time we get angry: "Doest thou well to be angry?" (Jonah 4 : 4).
Dear friend, will you please repent of all your excuses for your anger. Remember how much it hurt others, hurt God and hurt yourself. Cry from the depths of your heart so that you may be transformed into a gentle person. "Thy gentleness hath made me great" (Psalms 18 : 35).
Praise the Lord.
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