Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dal Lake, Srinagar
Why is horoscope harmful?

    Many sincere people are being deceived by the horoscope, stargazing, palmistry, etc. Many do not know why horoscope  predictions, etc. can be accurate.

    For every human being, God has a plan, and the devil too has a plan. The devil's plan is "to kill and to destroy" (John 10:10). However, God's plan is ever grand - "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him" (1 Corinthians 2 : 9).

    Many parents, anxious to know the future of their children, consult the horoscope. When horoscope predictions contain frightening or tragic future events, no doubt, these things will torment the parents and they will virtually serve a life sentence in the dungeon of fear. Moreover, when the children grow, they too will be tormented with fear of the future. Parents who are concerned about their child's future should read the Bible, the Word of God, because the Bible says, "In the volume of the Book it is written of me" (Psalms 40:7). God is so love and caring that He has already written the words needed for your child's well-being and future. God was careful to send an angel to Manoah's wife, Elizabeth, Mary and many others, to tell them what to do with their children; in some cases information about their future was also given. God is well able to advise you regarding your child's future without the aid of astrologers, sorcerers, and other agents of the devil. Indeed, God loves your child so much that He has done much more than merely sending an angel; He has give you the Word of God. Some tragedies (not all) happen in children's lives because parents do not obey the Word of God.

    Going to the astrologer, sorcerer or horoscope book for more information about the future, when God has not revealed it, is a form of rebellion against God. When you believe the horoscope, palmistry, etc. and desire to know your future through them, you are ruining your own future; you are already in the pocket of the devil - for him to fulfill his plan in your life. The devil will capitalize on your unbelief in God's Word and use it against you. [Remember, unless you give room for the devil he cannot attack you with his destructive weapons.]

    Horoscopes can be accurate for several reasons:

  • They have some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.  For example, if the horoscope says,"You will die," the person is so filled with fear and terror that he can barely eat, and he dies from sheer fear and emaciation.
  • Consulting the horoscope opens the door for demons to enter a person's life and control it (even upto four generations), and these demons can force things to happen according to the horoscope predictions.
  • Some horoscopes, particularly those in newspapers and magazines, are written so vaguely that they can apply to anyone.

    Whatever the case, it is always a deception to make it seem that the astrologer can predict the future. If you really want to know the future with 100% accuracy in a way that is spiritually edifying, read your Bible.

    Many years ago, the parents of a girl consulted the horoscope to know the future of the child.  The horoscope revealed that everything would be prosperous for her till the wedding and that life would be hell after that. Quite naturally, the parents were constantly tormented by the thought of what was going to happen after their daughter's marriage.  True enough, as the girl grew, everything was prosperous as predicted by the horoscope.  However, that prosperity in no way comforted the parents but rather tormented them all the more - as they kept thinking of how true the foretelling of the horoscope was, and anticipating the sorrowful period after the marriage.  Thank God, the girl and many of the family members soon got saved.  They threw away the horoscope and renounced all their superstitious stuff.  Soon afterwards, the girly got married to a godly man.  The other children in the family and their families too became godly, walking in the fear of God. Ever since, the whole family is enjoying freedom from fear, and peace, joy and prosperity.  If the girl and her family members had not come to the light of gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the horoscope's prediction could have taken place.

    Horoscope, palmistry, etc. are a part of witchcraft or sorcery; "No Israeli may practice black magic, or call on the evil spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be a serpent charmer, medium, wizard, or call forth the spirits of the dead" (Deuteronomy 18:10,11). Having anything to do with these sins in the New Testament time, is all the more serious and sinful.  Look at the words of St Paul to a sorcerer: "O full of all subtlety and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?" (Acts 13:10).

    Dear friend, if you are guilty of having had anything to do with the horoscope, etc. repent for this great sin and renounce your relationship with such demonic elements. [Consult a matured servant of God for future counseling.] Believe the Lord's grand plan for you.  Then you can live a life free from the fear of the devil and fear of the future.  No witchcraft or any demonic influence can come anywhere near you as God will be a wall of fire around you. "Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel" (Numbers 23:23).

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)